Prayer to Our Mother
Mother Earth, the soft and gentle raindrops are the tears you cry for your children.
Mother Earth hear your child, as I sit here at the fire place, I listen to the echoes of your voice in my brother, the wind, as he blows from all corners and directions, and I listen to the echoes of your voice in my sisters, the trees, as they sing a song from the beginning of times.
Mother Earth, teach me the lessons you offer: to nurture my children, as you nurture yours, to learn the lessons of the Four Kingdoms, that make up this world of physical things, and to learn to walk the path chosen so long ago.
Mother Earth, hear your child, be a bond between the worlds of Earth and Spirit. Let the winds echo the knowledge of the great grandfathers, who await, unseen, yet visible if I only turn my eyes to their world.
Let me hear their voices in the winds that blow to the East.
From the East: I seek the lessons of childhood: to see with the trusting innocence of a small one, the lessons of Spirit, given in Love by our Creator.
From the South: to learn the ways of questioning: the fire and independence of adolescence, the truth, and how it helps us grow along this path.
From the West: where the grandfathers teach us acceptance of responsibility that comes during the years of marriage and family, that my own children may grow strong and true.
From the North: where the elders reside, who by their long lives have learned and stored wisdom and knowledge, and learned to walk in balance and harmony with our mother, the Earth, and our father in Heaven.
Mother Earth, hear your child, hold my hand as I walk my path in this world. Guide me to the lessons I seek, bring me closer to our Creator, until I return to the western direction, to once again enter the world of Spirit, where the sacred fire awaits, and I rejoin the council of the elders, in the presence of the One Who-Created-All.
(Prayer of an unknown Native American)
(Prayer of an unknown Native American)