Biogenic Living
I created this graphic art many years ago and finally used it as a logo for my first medical practise. I was inspired by the philosophy of the International Biogenic Society, of which I am a member.
Instead of explaining the symbolism of the pictures, I rather invite you, to think about it yourself. The following small spiritual meditation may help or inspire you.
Behold, the Tree of Life, which stands in the middle of the Eternal Sea. Look not only with the eyes of the body, but see with the eyes of the spirit the Tree of Life at a source of running streams; at a living spring in a land of drought. See the eternal garden of wonders, and at its center the Tree of Life, mystery of mysteries, growing everlasting branches for eternal planting, to sink their roots into the Stream of Life from an eternal source.
See, oh Sons of Light, the branches of the Tree of Life reaching toward the kingdom of the Heavenly Father. And see the roots of the Tree of Life descending into the bosom of the Earthly Mother. And the Son of Man is raised to an eternal height and walks in the wonders of the plain; for only the Son of Man carries in his body the roots of the Tree of Life; the same roots that suckle from the bosom of the Earthly Mother; and only the Son of Man carries in his spirit the branches of the Tree of Life; the same branches that reach to the sky, even so to the kingdom of the Heavenly Father.
We believe that our most precious possession is Life.
We believe we shall mobilize all the forces of Life against the forces of death.
We believe mutual understanding leads toward mutual cooperation; that mutual cooperation leads toward Peace; and that Peace is the only way of survival for mankind.
We believe that we shall preserve instead of waste our natural resources, which are the heritage of our children.
We believe that we shall avoid the pollution of our air, water and soil, the basic preconditions of life.
We believe that we shall preserve the vegetation of our planet: the humble grass which came 50 million years ago and the majestic trees which came 20 million years ago, to prepare our planet for mankind.
We believe that we shall eat only fresh, natural, pure, whole foods, without chemicals and artificial processing.
We believe that we shall lead a simple, natural, creative life, absorbing all the sources of energy, harmony and knowledge, in and around us.
We believe that the improvement of life and mankind on our planet must start with individual efforts, as the whole depends on the atoms composing it.
We believe in Fatherhood of God, the Motherhood of Nature, and the Brotherhood of Man.
Grey are all theories, but green is the Tree of Life..
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