Dr. phil. Jörg Berchem
appointments by arrangement only
Practise in Germany closed due to unacceptable regulations
accredited Heilpraktiker according to German law
"I don't treat diseases, I treat people."
This alternative medical system uses a wide variety of therapies (such as herbal medicines, homoeopathy, nutrition and acupuncture). All natural therapies aim to activate the body's ability to heal itself. At first glance it may appear some of the methods seem rather modern and technical (magnetic fields, soft laser, RNS, etc.), but as long as they stimulate the bodies self healing power, which is the only natural way of healing, they are naturopathic.
Holistic Medicine
The Canadian Holistic Medical Association defines holistic medicine as follows: Holistic medicine is a system of health care which fosters a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health.
Complementary Medicine
"Complementary medicine" means "supplementation" of conventional medicine with other methods; but it also means "expansion" of the conceptual framework of classical medicine.
"Each person is a unique individual, Therapy should be tailored to the uniqueness of the person, not to the procrostian bed of a hyothetical theory of academic medicine or of human behaviour."
(Milton Erickson)
Regeneresen Therapy
with biological active RNA
Over 50 years of experience with this therapy are available for numerous indications. It is a modern naturopathic therapy, which is not available as ready-made medicine and is optimally formulated for the individual needs of a patient.
Vitamin C High-Dose Therapy
Vitamin C high-dose therapy is a treatment with very high levels of vitamin C (often more than 7.5g). Since the intake of such amounts via the gastrointestinal tract is not possible, this therapy is carried out by means of infusions. The application is not a dietary supplement, but a drug-effective dosage.
Choline Citrate Therapy
(former Neurotropan®)
The treatment is carried out by injections or infusions. In the body, the conversion into acetylcholine takes place. The substance can thereby act quickly and intensively in the body.
Bioenergetic Blood Testing
Unlike the usual chemical and microscopic examination of the blood, physical information is physically examined during the bioenergetic blood test.
Detox / Stimulation Therapy
These applications and therapies are among the oldest treatment procedures. In all folk remedies one or other form is known. Paracelsus summed up these millennia-old refusals in his most important theorem: "Where nature creates pain, she wants to empty harmful substances there, and where she can not do it herself, make a hole in the skin and release the harmful substances."
Trance Therapy / Hypnotherapy
The trance opens a quick access to the unconscious, where much of our behavior is controlled and beliefs are stored. Hypnosis is a possible way to a trance.
Modern medical trance therapy should is free of suggestions and very different from traditional psychoanalytic hypnosis or show hypnosis in the media.
Under a variety of physical and mental conditions hypnotherapy can be very helpful.
Manual Therapy
Touching and treating with the hands are probably the oldest therapeutic interventions in many life situations.
The manual therapies of my practice include craniosacral therapy and special massages.
Forest Therapy / Biophilia
In some Asian countries "forest medicine" is a recognized university discipline in medical colleges. This is not about exercise or staying in the fresh air, but about amazing immune reactions through terpenes, the re-integration of humans into the ecosystem as a healing experience, the efficiency of therapy in motion and experiencing the life energy ,
"Man is a part of nature." And "The whole is more than the sum of its parts." - These biologically proven statements are probably common to everyone. But to what extent do we really feel and act that way?
Better Aging & Vitality Cures
Vitalising Treatment — Energy Boost and Regeneration