You are very welcome.


This website provides some information about me and my services. It is also dedicated to my scientific and artistic activities, including my publications and seminaries.


Dr. phil. Jörg Berchem

M.A.,, NMP

Today's Most Important Problem of Existence

I created this web site in the hope of providing help to people to enrich their lives so that they may come aware of the abundance of opportunities and possibilities that are open to us all. An important matter which is vital to a joyful life is Peace, Love and Health, which is best achieved and maintained by natural means and the activation of mental power.


It is the possibility ofrealizing our dreams

and theability to love that make life worth living.

Make an Appointment

For Enquiry: fill our short feedback form or you can also send us an e-mail and we’ll get in touch shortly, or call (+255) ### ###.

Office Hours : by appointment only