Code of Ethics
The Joyful-Life Code of Ethics for all Healing Professions
Our work is focused on the people who seek our advice.
We take all the time we need, to give our patients naturopathic, holistic and top quality of healing, independent from restrictions (i.e. by cost bearers) according to their needs and wishes while considering their financial possibilities.
We seek to minimize the fears and worries of or patients to create a comfortable atmosphere.
We use the time of treatment optimally. We try to meet as many of our patients needs as possible and do our best to avoid stress caused by the constraints of time.
We respect our patients as partners who may ask questions, express feelings and criticisms. We wish to be their life long companions for all their questions regarding prevention of illness, therapy and personal development.
Except in emergency situations, we are free to decline (further) cooperation with patients according to our knowledge skills and based on their compliance and needs.
We improve our skills continually, free from the influences of pharmaceutical companies. We observe the developments made in medical science critically but with an open mind and we carefully consider other therapeutic systems, physicians and colleagues for our patients.
We do not treat diseases, we treat people. We always aim to heal holistically, never ignoring the inner and outer ecology of the person who seeks our advise.
Aware that man is not just a biological machine and that person should not be treated as such nor by the intellectual aspect only. We know man is an entity comprised of mind, body and soul. Thus we always respect the different types of consciousness and the feelings of our patients.
We explain to our patients how once good health is achieved or restored it can be maintained and we provide them with the means to do so by giving them preventative measures which minimize risk to health. In all cases of health and planning we offer the necessary advise and assistance.
We are always aware of our ethical responsibilities and the implications of our actions. Therefore in all aspects of our lives we do our best to avoid stress and strain caused by unethical behaviour which can endanger our freedom of sagacity and our ability to judge.
As healers we are committed to Life and Health. Never will we destroy Life nor artificially extend a torturous life span. Above all we never kill unborn life and do not give poisonous doses in any case.
Invasive and painful methods of diagnosis are only used if they are absolutely necessary and vital to the healing process or for the prevention of greater damage.
We strive to explain in a way free of suggestions and we do not want to use our healing art for manipulation or to achieve power.
We recognise the high values of Christian ethics (mainly the ideas of charity) set for mankind, without adopting its moral views propagating condemnations.
Being aware that nothing can be regarded as entirely good, we will always strive to achieve our intention to live our lives by the following mantra: